We’re normmal ®
formerly known
as IM+C.
Well, that’s enough of that.
Well, that’s enough of that.

Not creatives, not accountants, not strategists, not media executives... We're all people here.
Albert Fernández
CEO & Founder
I look at the stars before I go to bed
Albert Saló
Digital Media Specialist
If I don’t answer, it’s because I’m playing padel
Alberto Minguez
Business Developer Manager
Don’t look at me, I’m an artist
Arantxa Gisbert
Art Director
24/7 on the dark side
Azahara Chamizo
Account Executive
How to keep me happy? Give me a plant
Beatriz Moreno
Account Director
I’m direct. And also indirect. Know what I mean?
Albert Duce
I’ll never be as young as I am today
Belén Guerrero
Financial Administrator
Imprecisely precise. Or the other way around, I couldn’t say
Sergi Milà
Dir. Creativo/ Arte Senior
Less is more. Except with jabugo.
Charlie Garcia de Castro
Creative Director
I’m sarcastic because murder is illegal
Cristina Diago
PR & Sustainability Manager
I compensate, therefore I am
Cristina Roldán
Client Media Services Director
Everything is better if you add a smile
David Lage
US & Latam Director
Rock and roll attitude
Carlos Castro
General Manager México
Si lo que deseas no viene a ti, usa el plan ve
Diego Mestre
Digital Executive
I leave the Nativity set up all year round
Elena Martínez
Client Media Services Director
If you ask me twice, I may not give the same answer
Eugenio Ghirardi
SEO & PPC Senior
Laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe there won’t be a tomorrow
Fernando Monedero
Global Digital Strategy Officer
With one foot either side of the puddle, you get less wet
Ferran González
Business & Client Director
Between padel and vacations sometimes I work.
Iñaki Zabalia
International Account Planner Junior
I’m not lazy. I live in aeroplane mode
Jasmin Garcia
Financial Manager
To make good croquettes, you need two spoons
Javier Monforte
International Account Manager
Searching for sugar man
Jose Maria Ricarte
Global Client Services Director
I’m a professional imitator, my father worked in the field
Judit Meler
Community Manager
I’m not a person until I have breakfast
Júlia Suñer Juanola
Digital Media Planner
My superpower is that I make chocolate disappear
Khatia Gómez
General Manager El Salvador
I’ve been to as many countries as my age
Laura Diaz
International Account Manager
Hi. My name’s Laura and I’m a coffee addict
Majo Hernández
Account Director El Salvador
Keep calm and wait
Not creatives, not accountants, not strategists, not media executives... We're all people here.
Pamela Pérez
Connexa TV Manager
Don’t encourage me because I’ll do it
Pere Rodriguez
Media Operations Director
I became an archaeologist to understand even the stones
Raquel Sotillo
Senior Art Director
My law of balance is Gym and Yum
Silvia Tamayo
Media Planner
Recycling is key. I’ve already recycled myself
Marc Monguió
Media Planner
Enjoy the road, because you don’t know where it will take you
Marta Madueño
Ejecutiva de cuentas
I do theater. But the bad kind.
Yasmina Lancina
Digital Manager
I’m flexible as long as you do what I say
Sergi Zapater
Creative Director
Sergi or Zapa, that’s the question
Xavi Brichs
Digital Operations Director
I’m the most rational person I know until I open my mouth