Keys to an effective media campaign

Keys to an effective media campaign

It is necessary to briefly define the working method that, in our opinion, allows the effective creation of a media campaign:Ā Unique strategy (Design of Creativity and joint Media Planning).

Clients are the only interlocutors to whom we are accountable.Ā Total independence.Ā Neutrality in the choice of means (more on this later) and unique Profit and Loss Statement as a way to ensure that each party works for the benefit of the whole and does not worry about their particular results.

We believe that a brand strategy must integrate the entire communication process.

Because creativity must be implementable to be effective.

Because media plans with a creative twist are more memorable.

Because we must focus on the client, who must be a partner and companion, with whom we share a common goal and to whom we must always tell the truth, with courage:

That idea is not going to work. This budget is too small to achieve the goal you want. This budget is too big and we don’t have to spend it all.

What better way to express what is needed to carry out an effective media campaign than to summarize it in a short Decalogue.

Decalogue of an effective media campaign

1. Have a good briefing. The more data the advertiser can share, the better we will understand their business.Ā Having defined objectives helps us to design the most appropriate strategy.

2. Analysis of the Environment: market, consumer, competition, advertising activity analysis category/sector.Ā It is not only essential to have the sources and tools of the market, what is really important is to know how to extract the information and insights that will help build a more efficient strategy. We must have the will to build from knowledge.

3. Briefing and discussion with the client to agree on definitive needs and possible lines of work, including the KPI’s that will measure the success of the campaign.

4. Integrated Communication Strategy that takes into account the desired Brand Positioning and creative developments. Creativity in media / creative media.

5. Integrated Media Strategy: on / off / Contents / Special actions.Ā Everything adds up when it is integrated from the communication strategy.

6. Average cost negotiation.Ā It is very important to be media neutral, what should matter is to get the best costs for the advertiser, not to obey other financial interests. And without forgetting the importance of the limit in the negotiation to guarantee that the campaigns will have the expected qualitative results.

7. Tactical development of the media plan responding to the defined strategy and the proposed creativity. Follow-up tools to favour the speed of analysis and decision making to improve the day-to-day running of the campaigns.

8. Tactical optimization of the campaign day by day to achieve the expected results.Ā It is necessary to work both before and during the campaign. We must feed the campaign every day to get it progressively improve.

9. Closing and in-depth analysis.

10. Lessons learned that should feed back into the following campaigns at the level of media and awareness as well as sales.

Media groups and channels should be understood as the tool to achieve the client’s objectives and agreed KPIs.Ā Never as the way to achieve agency objectives.

Therefore, it is always necessary to adopt and propose the most appropriate media based on data and facts so that each idea reaches consumers with the right message, in the most appropriate format, channel and time.Ā This is being Media-Neutral.

Sometimes the simplest thing seems the most complicated. In our case, it is not like that: we always work to meet the client’s communication objectives without any restrictions or prejudices.Ā We use easy words and it is in our DNA to train our marketing teams in media as well.

We believe that the more an advertiser knows about media, the more they expect from us to enrich their campaigns.




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Normmal creates Connexa TV, a new division dedicated to the integration of technology, creativity and media in Advanced TV.